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Chiropractor in Grand Marias

"Thank you very much to all of our wonderful patients. Our clinic is truly blessed to have such an amazing patient family. It is an honor to serve you with the art, gift, and quality health care that is chiropractic."

 ~ The Grand Marias Wellness Center Team


Chiropractor, Chiropractic Clinic, Chiropractic Office

"When I first came to Dr. Stoner I thought "I am always going to have back pain." I am now pain free and come in once every few weeks for a "tune-up" and am pain free. This is the first and only chiropractor I've ever been to; I was always scared to go to one but now I'm convinced and am a believer!"

Chiropractor, Chiropractic Clinic, Chiropractic Office

"Because of the nature of my work as a writer, I spend hours hunched over with terrible posture, which results in pain in my back and neck. And when I am in pain, I can't write. My regular appointments with Dr. Stoner keep my creativity flowing and myself feeling strong and able to manage my products. I also enjoy the nutritional advice and accountability; I have seen a great posture change in overall health and well-being since seeing Dr. Stoner regularly for my chiropractic appointments!"

Chiropractor, Chiropractic Clinic, Chiropractic Office

"I had hurt my lower back and had excruciating pain and swelling. After several treatments and icings the swelling slowly got better each time, now I feel great! I'm very happy with the relief and success!"

Chiropractor, Chiropractic Clinic, Chiropractic Office

"When I came to the Wellness Center in February 2010, I was miserable. I had intense and almost constant lower back and hip pain, as well as neck pain and headaches. I couldn't sleep more than two hours at a time before the pain would wake me up. My job as housekeeping supervisor at a local resort was becoming more difficult day by day. Simply sitting for any length of time was especially painful and driving was often excruciating. Some days I couldn't even drive from Lutsen to Grand Marais for my appointments!

To make a long story short, Dr. Loren Stoner, along with Becky Stoner, Christal Kelahan and Jessi Nicholson changed my life. Under their expert care and guidance, I am again able to work and play without pain. They are amazing, talented and caring people and I thank God every day that our paths crossed. To everyone at the Wellness Center - Thank you! Life is good!"

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